Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ten Minutes

Today is one of the slowest days of all. I was on time, its rainy and gloomy out. I had wanted to get up super early and take a spin class at 6am. It is impossible to get up early in that kind of weather unless its completely necessary. I would’ve brought clothes and worked out on my break but I had to do pre op on my break today. They said it would take 30 minutes. It took two hours. And even still I have nothing to do at work today. I finished over half of what I had to do before 10am. It is now 1:22pm I’m out of things to do. Hence, this.
I think I’ve decided to skip nyc this weekend. I took so long at the hospital today it isn’t logical to take all of Monday off. The coffee I’m drinking is terrible. I haven’t really eaten a thing since I took too long to eat lunch and ran too far behind to eat breakfast. I hope Jason and I eat otherwise I’ll pig out on popcorn in the most unattractive way…I’ll probably do that anyway.

I think I’ll go see Erik and Melissa this weekend. I miss them. They seem to miss me. And I won’t see them again until July 4th and I haven’t seen them for a month. I miss Rachel too. I’ll go to nyc next month, when Steve doesn’t have to work and a ton of people aren’t there for him to entertain. We both want it to be lax, and the weather is to continue on gray like this for the upcoming week or so.
To put it in perspective, I even did a lot of tomorrow’s work. And yet, here I sit three and a half hours to go.

Tonight I’m seeing the hang over. I’ve heard good things. Zach Galifianakis is my fav.
I need to wake up though. I can’t be so zombie like on a date.

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