I hope to catch spin class after work. They can fill up fast and its thirty min after I get off, could take me that long in traffic. I suppose worst case I’ll just do my regular work out routine. Following that it’s a pretty low key day. No cleaning to do seeing how I already did that this weekend (I’m proud of me!). I guess I’ll go straight to making dinner for myself. I’m a little tired. Don’t know why I got sufficient sleep, exercise will probably energize me. I did eat turkey for lunch.
Tomorrow I think Sean and I are getting coffee and playing catch up. Wednesday I have no plans either, its karaoke night, but Friday gave me my fill of that. The drunk I have to reach to do it is almost undesirable right now, especially because I’m sleepy as I think of it. Thursday I have a date with Jason. We’re seeing Year One. Everyone on imdb seems to think it’ll be bad. Who writes on a movie they don’t like? …Unless that movie is Twilight. It isn’t released so there aren’t any reviews. I found one script review and they seemed to think it was hilarious. So here’s hoping. I love Michael Cera, and David Cross. Paul Rudd has a small part, adore him and Jack Black is funny.
Nothing much else going on especially Friday. I’m going to NYC this weekend so Friday I’ll probably hit the hay early. Surgery next week. Let the pain and incapacitation begin.
I leave you with this...Man Gets struck by lightning while bbqing only utters sausages
also kid makes below barrell monster and gets arrested

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