Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Somethings have improved. Somethings have worsened.

Monday, June 29, 2009
Hello, Week from Hell
God Fucking Damnit.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Look to Find
Friday, June 19, 2009

I’m looking forward to this nap, I hope my landlord isn’t still there working on my bathroom so I can actually get some rest. So I’m gonna drop my apartment key off to Jeff and a movie off to Jason then I’m hitting the road.
This weekend should be fun. I do miss Melissa and Erik. We’re going to a flea market in the morning and then we’ll work out and possibly paint. Probably play music too, I miss playing music. We’ve been asking to play a wedding next summer. That should be a blast.
Fuck, I’m tired.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ten Minutes
Today is one of the slowest days of all. I was on time, its rainy and gloomy out. I had wanted to get up super early and take a spin class at 6am. It is impossible to get up early in that kind of weather unless its completely necessary. I would’ve brought clothes and worked out on my break but I had to do pre op on my break today. They said it would take 30 minutes. It took two hours. And even still I have nothing to do at work today. I finished over half of what I had to do before 10am. It is now 1:22pm I’m out of things to do. Hence, this.
I think I’ve decided to skip nyc this weekend. I took so long at the hospital today it isn’t logical to take all of Monday off. The coffee I’m drinking is terrible. I haven’t really eaten a thing since I took too long to eat lunch and ran too far behind to eat breakfast. I hope Jason and I eat otherwise I’ll pig out on popcorn in the most unattractive way…I’ll probably do that anyway.
I think I’ll go see Erik and Melissa this weekend. I miss them. They seem to miss me. And I won’t see them again until July 4th and I haven’t seen them for a month. I miss Rachel too. I’ll go to nyc next month, when Steve doesn’t have to work and a ton of people aren’t there for him to entertain. We both want it to be lax, and the weather is to continue on gray like this for the upcoming week or so.
To put it in perspective, I even did a lot of tomorrow’s work. And yet, here I sit three and a half hours to go.
Tonight I’m seeing the hang over. I’ve heard good things. Zach Galifianakis is my fav.
I need to wake up though. I can’t be so zombie like on a date.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Today seems it may be a day of complications, but hardly. I overslept for work. Fell asleep two thirds into a movie and never woke up, until I needed to be at work. Everyday my job has trivia, usually movie trivia. I have won every single day since it began, I guess almost two weeks ago. It switched over to riddles today. Won again. Jason and I were to go to the movies tomorrow, for the hell of it I went to check times, whoops it comes out Friday. Today is my third day in a row hanging with Meredith. I really missed her.

We watched Synecdoche a couple days ago, I hadn’t seen it since it had been in theaters. Moved me again, or rather consumed me. She and I discussed some of the symbolism after, mostly Hazel’s house being on fire. I gave thought to it today. I think the symbolism behind it is found in a quote in which Caden says “We are all hurtling towards death. Yet, here we are for the moment, alive. Each of us knowing we will die; each of us secretly believing we won’t.” I think the fire is to represent her eventual death. That eventually you will die in the fire, eventually everyone is going to die. Even when speaking to the realtor when she buys the house she says she is scared of dying in the fire. To which the realtor says it’s a hard decision choosing how one is going to die, then introduces Hazel to her son who later becomes Hazel’s husband. A choice Hazel makes despite loving Caden, I suppose out of fear of dying alone. I think the fire also reflects Caden’s fear of losing her. That if he were to have her he knows one day he would have to lose her, like one loses everyone. On their one night together, Caden says “My heart aches for you.” Hazel “We’re here, Caden. I’m here.” Caden “My heart aches for it being over” Hazel “The end is built into the beginning. What can you do?”
"Everything is more complicated than you think. You only see a tenth of what is true. There are a million little strings attached to every choice you make; you can destroy your life every time you choose. But maybe you won't know for twenty years. And you'll never ever trace it to its source. And you only get one chance to play it out. Just try and figure out your own divorce. And they say there is no fate, but there is: it's what you create. Even though the world goes on for eons and eons, you are here for a fraction of a fraction of a second. Most of your time is spent being dead or not yet born. But while alive, you wait in vain, wasting years, for a phone call or a letter or a look from someone or something to make it all right. And it never comes or it seems to but doesn't really. And so you spend your time in vague regret or vaguer hope for something good to come along. Something to make you feel connected, to make you feel whole, to make you feel loved. And the truth is I'm so angry and the truth is I'm so fucking sad, and the truth is I've been so fucking hurt for so fucking long and for just as long have been pretending I'm ok, just to get along, just for, I don't know why, maybe because no one wants to hear about my misery, because they have their own, and their own is too overwhelming to allow them to listen to or care about mine. "
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I never did make it to spin class yesterday, I thought of inviting Meredith but wasn’t sure if she’d be interested turns out she would’ve been. I made dinner for her and I. Cilantro Orange Chicken. I accidentally bought low fat chicken, gross. It was super thin and ended up being pretty dry after being cooked. We went by the mall, didn’t purchase anything. Did you know it closes at 9 now? The economy I suppose. We rented Synecdoche, which I hadn’t seen since it was in theaters. I cried a little again. Mostly at the sad parts about his daughter, sometimes about Hazel too. I read the script today. I also bought Role Models & Pineapple Express. I love both of those movies.
Today Mer and I are going to go to spin class at 730. I might take it easy after. I’m a little tired. Could be the weather. It’s really nice out today, something along the lines of before a storm on the beach. It feels nice.
I wish I had something interesting to say. I don’t. It’ll be neat visiting with people this weekend in NYC. Steve, Taylor and possibly Krist.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Close The Door
I hope to catch spin class after work. They can fill up fast and its thirty min after I get off, could take me that long in traffic. I suppose worst case I’ll just do my regular work out routine. Following that it’s a pretty low key day. No cleaning to do seeing how I already did that this weekend (I’m proud of me!). I guess I’ll go straight to making dinner for myself. I’m a little tired. Don’t know why I got sufficient sleep, exercise will probably energize me. I did eat turkey for lunch.
Tomorrow I think Sean and I are getting coffee and playing catch up. Wednesday I have no plans either, its karaoke night, but Friday gave me my fill of that. The drunk I have to reach to do it is almost undesirable right now, especially because I’m sleepy as I think of it. Thursday I have a date with Jason. We’re seeing Year One. Everyone on imdb seems to think it’ll be bad. Who writes on a movie they don’t like? …Unless that movie is Twilight. It isn’t released so there aren’t any reviews. I found one script review and they seemed to think it was hilarious. So here’s hoping. I love Michael Cera, and David Cross. Paul Rudd has a small part, adore him and Jack Black is funny.
Nothing much else going on especially Friday. I’m going to NYC this weekend so Friday I’ll probably hit the hay early. Surgery next week. Let the pain and incapacitation begin.
I leave you with this...Man Gets struck by lightning while bbqing only utters sausages
also kid makes below barrell monster and gets arrested

Friday, June 12, 2009
You Must Make Sure You're Happy When You Leave Your Summer Places
Today was a good day at work. I don’t know how I was so full of energy seeing as I had a pretty good buzz going last night. (3 drinks, 3 shots), and also got to bed late due to red bull being involved in one of those shots. This time spent up however didn’t go to waste. I prepared and packed lunch and breakfast for today, and had an engaging text conversation. I felt crazy when I awoke but somehow filled with energy and spirit, perhaps the red bull still. I got so much work done, and efficiently. While I don’t really care for the work I do, it still feels good.
I had intended to take a spin class after work today, but was wrong about the scheduled classes. I’m going to take one tomorrow and pilates with Anne. Also I had forgotten I told the girls at work I would go to happy hour with them. I have bailed every Friday that I’ve worked here, they don’t care for this too much. I think I’ll just grab one drink. Maybe a car bomb with Tina. Following this I am to meet up with Larry, Jeff and Shawn…to drink. So much for not drinking. But I suppose its okay aside from the money I’ll be spending because next week I get surgery resulting in serious pain killers, can’t drink that week. And then I have surgery again the second week in july. No drinking then. Perhaps I’ll try not to drink at all between the two surgeries! That could be positive!
I really want to buy a bass, and a couch and get my new tattoo! I will never have the money for these things. I need to paint, and have some bs artshow and hopefully sell some work. Larry will buy one of my paintings for $200, that’s a bass, or one session of my tattoo! I made a rule that I can’t get any of my tattoo done until I reach my fitness/health goal.
Despite all these constant complaints, I feel very confident in myself these days. I feel strong. I feel a willingness to confront issues for the most part.

Monday, June 8, 2009
God, It's so sweet of you
Money hasn’t improved, and won’t in the foreseeable future. I have taken off a couple days for doctor’s appointments now that I have health insurance. So now, I have to get my wisdom teeth removed. Le sigh. I’ll never get my next tattoo, or my bass. My bills are a little better off. I wish I could give my mom and my dad some money. I know they’re both struggling as well.
I hope to go to Toronto in August to visit Kaitlyn, something I’ve promised to do for years. I think I can save up enough by then.
The boy department is the same but a little clearer. It seems that I can only have one outcome or the other. The obsessive think we’re destined type or the I find you irresistible and have to have you…..in bed type. I’d like something in between if anything. But I don’t have the time nor the trust for a boyfriend. Why am I blogging about this?
I’ve finished no further work on that painting, but I get paid Wednesday so I’ll go get supplies.
Nothing else to mention. Haven’t been to PA in awhile, nothing at work is different. Old friends are still angry with me for my absence and who could blame them. Dylan recently discovered the outdoors and has since been a pain.
I’m craving margaritas and guacamole and hang out time with Meredith & Larry.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Every Option I Have Costs More Than I've Got
I worked more on this painting that larry loves. He says he'll pay anything for it, it's not even complete. I need new brushes before I can carry on with it. Thats a goal. To finish that. I'd like to complete enough to have an art show. I could use the money for school! I should see to that. I need money to buy supplies. I need money to buy a bass to start bass lessons. I need money for school. It appears any idea of bettering myself is expensive.
I feel like I'm wallowing toward my future. I have little to be excited about. My, if you saw me and read this the confusion you'd be overcome with. I'm happy. I'm satisfied with things overall. I just want to feel excited, fulfilled and alive somehow. I just feel...still.

Monday, June 1, 2009
Pain is Universal, Baby
...I have no where to go. I can't move back in with my parents. No, that isn't stubbornness, I mean that they have told me I can't. My father said I can, but it would be of no benefit. I would pay rent there, and for a room I could only fit my bed into and a shared bathroom. My privacy would be gone. My belongings would be gone. My complete sense of individualism and freedom, gone. I could only justify giving those things up to go to school full time, which I couldn't do if I had to pay rent and therefore work.
I feel I'm buckling under stress. I want more for myself and my future.