My father adorably called me at work today, concerned about my well being due to my facebook status, something I now know he keeps a sharp eye on. This doesn’t make me uncomfortable, I don’t really hide anything from my parents. They usually know my every move. It in fact makes me feel loved and watched after on a small scale.
I have to take measurements for my possible new couch! Gee I hope it fits, and then make arrangements for Will and I to drive out and get it! He’s so endlessly dependable. I have to do something to repay him. I have offered to help clean and organize his house as well as decorating and painting it there after. I hope this is sufficient. When it comes to good people like him, and like Anne. I don’t feel like I give back enough.
I’m also registering for class this week. Once that begins I doubt I’ll have time for anyone to waste anymore.

So I’ll be taking it pretty easy. Maybe the gym here and there, maybe doing nothing with a select few. But mostly it will be spent reading and napping I think. Anne and I are going to see Cage next week and Elisha visits that weekend. I have to be pretty careful with my money anyway.
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