Monday, July 13, 2009

Hurts Me, Darling, Hurts Me

I am exhausted and it serves me right. How are you going to get surgery on your feet, and then a week later get your wisdom teeth removed, as a result of which be on a liquid only diet which as you can assume doesn’t lead to much of a calorie intake. I cleaned my apartment like a crazy person and then had the genius idea to drink. Oh the misery.

I’m attempting a chipotle burrito bol today. I actually want to feel like I’ve eaten something!! Today I’m going to take some measurements in my apartment to make sure I can get this couch in, and that it’ll fit nicely. I’m rather excited about it. And Will has access to a pick up truck and will help me transport it! Is there any other news to speak of? I don’t think so. I’m torn in my love affairs. I lost my cell phone (CANNOT FIND IT!), I’m getting internet and cable next month as well as starting school. I’m certainly moving toward the future. Its so close.

I can feel the weight redistributing across my teeth. I don’t like it one bit.

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