Monday, July 27, 2009

Day and Night

And while chances are good we'll never leave this limbo, I can't seem to shake you no matter what the circumstances. It's a lot of pushing and pulling and we take turns in positions. We take our time in remission. There's something here you can't deny as well as me. And through our criptic language it shows. If its not the words, it's the tone. If its not the tone, its the words. Or contradictory following statements. You've made mistakes and now I can say that I have, assuming we ever reach a destination where we'd look back. But where I stand today the future holds your name, and for you it holds mine. We inch there. I may be more certain than you, but we both share our fear, that's for sure, as well as our excitement in the opportunity we hold. You're wiser in ways; to keep so firmly on the ground, but I'm more alive with my head in the clouds. You and I collide at the horizon, there's a balance in our opposition. You know this.

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