Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Things are looking up! I’m still broke however but let’s just talk about the now!

Weekend before last the girls visited, ruled!

Last weekend…amazing! I had such a blast with Jason and Steve and made some new friends as well. Jason, Steve and I must’ve gotten to bed around 4 am. Poor Steve had to work. Jason and I slept in every day we were there some reason, but it was nice to be so comfortable and treat it like an actual get away instead of stressing.
Saturday we hung out with my friend Sheena, spending most of our time in Williamsburg, I bought a jean skirt from the 70s, and Jason bought two shirts, one of which I’ve practically stolen. Sheena’s apartment, which she’s unfortunately leaving, is gorgeous. It was way great to see her and I wish I had done it sooner, and I will do it again soon. Jason got Steve a ticket so he was able to join us. We must’ve been lost in Prospect Park for 2 hours. And hipsters were coming out of the shadows, the trees, anywhere they could hide looking for this show. We must’ve formed a group of 15 or so. We didn’t really connect or bond with any of them except Megan and Nathan. We did however find the show! I was relieved we were late getting there because from what I could tell the other acts were terrible. I made friends with some random chick who needed someone to dance with, as did I. Although we didn’t do much of dancing ‘together’ but I danced like a crazy person especially to Fireworks and Brother Sport, as predicted.
We all wanted to stay out and party together following this. NYC bars are open till 4am, and it’s a Saturday! But it must’ve been that walk through the woods or the cheap wine and dancing but by 1230 we were wiped out. I even drank down a red bull. Steve, Jason and I did shots of whiskey in a gay bar. Sunday we spent the day with Kris. We had the best coffee in NYC and amazing brunch. We went to several awesome stores that I could never afford a thing at and encouraged Kris to spend on himself. Ending the day with playing video games with him in Williamsburg, I wish I was playing Rampage right now. I had quite a buzz going, I think I may have spilled beer on myself.
We ended the evening with a few more drinks, with some of Kris’s friends, who I liked, and Steve met up with us as well. Then it was off to hurry to the bus, which we barely made. We arrived in DC around 230am only to find the Metro is closed and had to take a cab to New Carrollton, another night home at 4am, this time having to work the next day. Completely worth it.

This week has been semi low key. Monday was a hectic day at work as I presume all this week will. The evening was spent entirely on sleeping. I needed it badly. I woke up only to watch a couple episodes of True Blood. Yesterday was spent taking it easy with Jason. I have a lot of priorities I have to get in order. Today I feel just as exhausted as Monday with zero reason. I actually think I’m getting sick. I’m really stuffy, so drowsy, can’t stop sneezing, I predict my throat should begin to hurt soon. My agenda for today is:

Clean my apartment
Laundry/Give Mom Money
Beauty First Paperwork
Attempt to see Fabian, Jon and Anne, if I don’t feel like death.

Tomorrow’s agenda is:

BB & T Account
Pay Gym
Grocery Shop
See Kaitlyn
Plan for Philadelphia weekend

Christ this week is flying by. I feel like I won’t survive it. August is over? Really? Already?

1 comment:

matsu_moto said...

its meee, nathan!
i just got a blog.