Thursday, August 13, 2009

but if were miscommunicating do we feel the same?

You could say things are leveling on. I mean that in a good and bad way. I still haven’t gotten back into the swing of things but I’ve made vast improvements, or well…steps toward it. I got my couch! And a free neat piece of furniture I’m using as my entertainment center. The apartment is clean, and easy to keep clean now aside from Dylan being psychotic. I have to take her to a clinic to afford to get her spayed..and that is FAR away and takes much planning. I also have internet and cable now which allows me to be more of a homebody than I usually like, it enables me to get music constantly like I used to which is especially exciting considering the return of my ipod. I can also take online classes easily in the spring. I wouldn’t have been prepared for the fall.

The girls came to visit me last weekend, Rachel, Megan and Elisha. WHAT A BLAST. Friday they arrived after 10pm which counted both Escape from NY, and Beach House & Celebration out. We had discussed karaoke anyhow, so that was the ‘goal’. We began while getting ready listening to silly songs and drinking champagne. Megan looked crazy hot. We finished that bottle moved onto shots then rode our bikes to Tsunami. Ugh, I hate downtown on the weekends. Too many people, too many people I could go my whole life without seeing. I always forget. We did car bombs, then a mix drink each. Some creep bought Rachel a beer after listening in on our conversations. We couldn’t, and perhaps didn’t stay long there. Doesn’t seem like it. But time was flying by and we had to make it to karaoke, we also had to get Rachel away from these weirdos.

So it was back to the house. More shots, and the other bottle of champagne for the ride. Apparently this ride was longer than we thought. But I thought we wanted to really get some bike riding in. Its mostly downhill. Rachel ate it, suddenly, without reason but with warning “Fuck!”.
I thought for sure that was the end. She got super sad for a second then we were back on. We really were riding so fast. We showed up at Ebb Tide too late for karaoke, and were handed shots immediately upon arrival. Tequila. The bartender bandaged up Rachel and gave her a shot of bubblegum vodka. The rest of the evening is even more eventful and hilarious, but isn’t internet posting material.

Saturday we woke up feeling TERRIBLE. We had planned to go to the beach but this was pretty much impossible especially since we had been woken up by the cable guy. After lounging about my apartment, which is now comfortable enough to do so, we had delicious smoothies and swam in the river of my childhood neighborhood. I threw a party that evening, which I am short vocabulary words for. I had missed being social, I had missed partying, on a very small scale I missed Annapolis.

Sunday we did make it to the beach despite it being a little late and cloudy, it was relaxing. And seeing Rachel run into that water like a 6 year old was priceless. And seeing Elisha wiped out by almost every wave was just as funny.

Monday was Anne’s birthday. A small group of us, Marie, Anne (obviously), Dean, Ben, Dave, Darin and I drank, swam in an indoor salt water pool, and danced in the rain. What a beautiful carefree night with good people.

So all this is to say. I’m confident again, and comfortable in ways. I know what I want for the most part. At least long term. At least goals. I have fantastic friends both here and across state lines that I’m committed to and that are committed to me. I have exciting things coming up as early as now! I leave for nyc tomorrow to visit Steve and Sheena and see Animal Collective with Jason! The following weekend I’m going to visit the girls in Philly, as well as Scott. They’ll visit again next month. Scott and I are going to see Aziz at the end of the month. And then Jason and I go to Toronto. So much going on. I’m getting a second job at my old job to make money! I’m going back to school in the spring. I find myself still a little confused in my love life, but all can’t be great. I don’t know why I always manage to get myself in such complicated situations. But I feel myself pulling out, losing interest in those things that are so difficult. This could be a positive change.

Also good riddens, to terrible terrible feigned friendships.

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